For a dog's cruciate ligament injury,should surgery or a brace be chosen?

For a dog's cruciate ligament injury,should surgery or a brace be chosen?

Dog's anterior cruciate ligament (ACL/CCL) injury is as common and problematic as it is in humans, posing as a silent threat. If a dog unfortunately experiences an ACL/CCL injury, what should be done? Surgery, protective gear, or medication? It's crucial to understand that dogs suffer immense pain after an ACL/CCL rupture. Without prompt treatment, their knee joint function could severely deteriorate, exacerbating the development of arthritis. Therefore, how we aid the recovery of dogs with ACL/CCL injuries will significantly impact their quality of life!

Here are some common treatment options for dog ACL/CCL injuries, shared for your reference, hoping that dogs facing these issues can recover smoothly!

Option 1: Surgery

Veterinary surgeons typically recommend surgery. If opting for surgery, it's essential to consider the following:
1. Cost: Expenses typically include X-rays, surgical fees, post-operative care, rehabilitation fees, etc., totaling at least $20,000 or more.
2. The dog's condition: Dogs will endure severe pain and discomfort, undergoing a prolonged recovery period where normal mobility is limited. Poor surgical technique could lead to nerve and vascular damage, resulting in permanent disability. Additionally, complications such as wound infections and medication side effects could have devastating effects on the dog's health. Prolonged immobilization may even lead to the development of claustrophobia.
3. The owner's situation: Owners must ensure their beloved pet can cooperate with the surgery and recovery process. They should be willing to bear the risks and expenses of surgery, dedicating significant time and effort to post-operative care.

Option 2: Protective Gear

The market offers a variety of protective gear, but choosing the right one is crucial. The main types are standardized and customized.

Standardized Gear:

Numerous standardized gear options are available on major e-commerce platforms. However, these fail to provide sufficient stability for the dog's limbs and joints, resulting in minimal therapeutic effect. When veterinarians say protective gear is ineffective, they often refer to these standardized options.

Customized Gear:

Customized gear differs significantly in design and function from standardized gear. By utilizing customized gear, most dogs with ACL/CCL injuries can recover. With continuous wear, dogs typically regain normal mobility within six months, similar to the recovery time after surgery. Customized gear not only avoids the pain of surgery but also acts as an alternative treatment, providing stable support during the dog's activities, aiding in gradual ligament repair until returning to the pre-injury state.

In summary, customized protective gear offers a high-value, painless treatment option. It eliminates concerns regarding anesthesia and surgical risks while avoiding complications such as wound infections. Coupled with the dog's natural healing abilities, a ruptured ACL/CCL can heal within the expected recovery period.


                                            Our canine ACL/CCL brace.

Lastly, just as we habitually wear knee guards before engaging in strenuous activities, it's essential to ensure knee joint protection for dogs during high-intensity exercises. For instance, customizing protective gear for daily use and rehabilitation during injuries is crucial. With technology-enabled customized protective gear, dogs can enjoy healthier and more stable knee joints, bounding freely in their short but joyous lifetimes!

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